COTMA Conference 2006 – Melbourne


Group Photo at MTPA's Haddon Depot - Photo: Jeremy Honeyman


List of Papers


Conference Opening  - Chairman's Perspective                            Warren Doubleday


Umbrella Organisations:  Their Nature and Value                          Geoffrey Claydon


Fares Please:  An Economic History of the MMTB                       Russell Jones


Conservation Plans - are they of value for restoration                    Colin Perfect

work on tramway and other historic vehicles


Picking up the Pieces - the rebuilding of Ballarat                            Garry Wood

Tramway Museum's Traction Power Supply

following its destruction in 2004


Achieving Sustainability for Independent Museums                        Winston Bond


Discussion - attracting Younger Members                                     Discussion


Rebuilding VR41 to a modern serviceable condition                      Craig Tooke


Attracting Members to the Management Team                              Richard Gilbert

                                                                                                    Bob Pearce


Discussion - Attracting Members to the Management Team          Discussion


The Corporate Memory of the Museum as strength                      Alan Smith

for the future


Dealing with Proposed Legislative Changes                                  Trevor Burling

The Small Rail Participant Perspective


Rail Safety Issues in Australia - 2006                                            Warren Doubleday


Panel Forum - Rail Safety Issues                                                   Panel